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Tiger Temple


July 2010 - July 2016

In depth analysis coming soon

Tourist Interactions?


  • Cages ranged all along a walkway with two to four cages joining into one enclosure

  • Each enclosure contained a pond for bathing though sometimes the water was dirty or empty depending on time of year

  • Water always provided somewhere

  • Grass or natural vegetation (though grass could die out in summer months due to lack of rain/water)

  • All outdoor enclosures containted enrichment items such as tyres, papier mache toys etc

  • Also contained caves/platforms to climb/hide in

  • Cages all had a platform

Physical & Mental Health


  • Most tigers were physically fine apart from a few of the older tigers and a couple of tigers born cross eyed

  • Multiple tigers sharing one cage area

  • Few injuries though some scratches and bites in tigers that lived with others


  • A few tigers seen pacing but not so many given the large number of animals and this pacing was potentially due to other factors such as excitement/curiosity or aggression towards another tiger kept inside.

TT Gallery

What we are doing to help

At this time we are raising awareness for the situation of the captive tigers in Thailand through education of the public and through a number of different petitions.

Head to our Petition zone to see how you can help.

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