Chok Chai Farm

Chok Chai Musuem is a rather bizarre setup which contains a museum and small menagerie belonging to the late farmer and self-proclaimed Thai cowboy Chok Chai. Located in Bangkok's Lam Luk district, it is out of the way for the majority of people. The theme of the small zoo is white, with all animals barring the black leopards being white or albino.

Tiger-tourist interactions often involve unnatural behaviors and environments that can lead to welfare issues. If you're looking for ethical and welfare-friendly tiger experiences, avoid places offering interactions.
Welfare Indicators
Water provided
Water only available from pond
Physical Environment
Pond and platform provided
Access to sunlight
Small enclosure size
No shelter or shade
Concrete and grass
Adequate body condition
Signs of inbreeding
Some minor injuries
Behavioural Interactions
Interaction between tigers is possible
Positive behaviours observerd
Limited enrichment
No privacy
Lacks complexity
Loud music
No privacy
Mental State
What we are doing to help
At this time we are raising awareness for the situation of the captive tigers in Thailand through education of the public and through a number of different petitions.
Head to our Petition zone to see how you can help.